≪データベースの使い方について/How to Use the Database≫
≪推奨動作環境/Recommended System Requirements≫
≪情報提供のお願い/Request for Submission of Information≫
The Japan Foundation intends to collect information about Japanese literary works translated into foreign languages and update its database. If you are aware of any data concerning Japanese literary works that have been translated into foreign languages that are not listed in this database, please contact us at the e-mail address given below. However, we might not register if a work falls into one of the following categories:
≪このデータベースについて/About This Database≫
This database, which covers Japanese literary works translated into other languages, mostly after World War II, is based mainly on data from the Japan P.E.N. Club and UNESCO.
≪お問い合わせ/ Contact≫
国際交流基金/The Japan Foundation 文化事業部企画調整・文芸チーム Planning and Coordination / Literary Arts Section, Arts and Culture Dept. E-mail: arts@jpf.go.jp (メールを送る際は、全角@マークを半角@マークに変更してください。 When sending an e-mail, please replace the full-width character "@" with a half-width character "@.")